by Samuel Beckett, directed by Yoshi Oïda e Matteo Bonfitto
In this production the mastery of Beckett has been deeply intertwined with the mastery of Oïda. In tune with the theatrical craft developed by Peter Brook, with whom the Japanese actor has been collaborating for more than fifty years, Oïda distilled Endgame avoiding its potential spectacularity, in order to make us perceive, in a deeper way, humanity as cultivation of our vulnerabilities.
Such an operation led our rehearsals and it is concretely perceptible in this production, not only through acting, but also through a theatrical minimalism that permeates all the layers of the show. Instead of building up a scenographic apparatus, Oïda sought in this case to create a specific environment, a room without walls, exploring just a few elements, which can keep a space opened to the audience’s imagination, a sort of unstable existential place... This is a production focused on rigor, in which the actors function as channels, as vessels of Beckett’s masterpiece, in order to try to materialize a singular experience.
This production was created in 2019 in Montreuil, near Paris, France, between
March and April.
Its premiere took place in Brazil, at Sesc Ipiranga located in the city of São Paulo, where a season was carried out in September and October, 2019.
Later, in October Endgame was presented in Cuba - XVIII Edition of
La Habana International Theatre Festival.
Back to São Paulo, the show had a second season at the Dome of Theatro Municipal, the most prestigious theatre of the city.
In December 2019 Matteo Bonfitto was nominated as Best Actor by the brazilian most important theatre award: the Shell Award.
Team List
Text by: Samuel Beckett
Translated by: Fábio de Souza Andrade
Mise-en-Scène by: Yoshi Oïda
Directed by: Yoshi Oïda and Matteo Bonfitto
Assistant Directors: Milton de Andrade and Suia Legaspe
Cast: Rodrigo Pocidônio, Matteo Bonfitto, Ary França and Suia Legaspe
Physical Work: Daniele Santos
Scenography and Costumes: Telumi Hellen
Light Designer: Camila Jordão
Graphic Designer: Rodrigo Pocidônio
Pictures: Nicolau Spadoni
Video: Lucas Reitano
Executive Producer: Fabrício Síndice
Production Director: Edinho Rodrigues / Brancalyone Produções
International Relations: Julia Gomes
Conceived by: Performa Teatro
Technical Team: Casa Malagueta, Alicio Silva, Giorgia Messetani,
Salete André, Lia Couros and Michelle Bezerra
Documentarists: Akiko Funatsu, Masayasu Eguchi and Toyomichi Kurita
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