This work represents an important step in our artistic path. It marks the first exploration of what we could call a contemporary play. In fact, the text used in this case – Peter Handke’s Self-Accusation – is structured through cells which are portions of discourse separated by spaces. It doesn’t offer neither a plot, a situation, nor characters. We started from this point: how can we explore this kind of material?
In this production there are no characters. In other words, the fictional beings who play in this production are not individuals or types, but actants. The actions performed by them are not determined by a unified, coherent psychological unity; they are catalizers of processes and expressive qualities which can refer to different situations and narrative procedures. The exploration of the elements present in the show, from lighting to costumes, from objects to music reveals an investigation which started with the construction of the actor’s dramaturgy to involve progressively different scenic dramaturgies.
Silence was presented at the 'Teatro a Mil' International Festival in Santiago, Chile, and at the International Theater Festival of Bayonne-Biaritz, in France. He was mentioned in the publication of the International Theater Institute – ITI – as one of the best shows produced in Brazil between 1999 and 2002.
Cast: Matteo Bonfitto e Yedda Chaves
Light Design: Marisa Bentivegna
Cenography: Marcio Tadeu
Costumes: Beth Lopes
Sound Design: Marcelo Pellegrini
Executive Producer: Allucci
Based on Self-Accusation, by Peter Handke
Directed by Beth Lopes
Duration: 50 min. approximately

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